No One Can Read Your Personal Message On Smartphone

By | June 27, 2018

Do not you want anyone to read the message of your Smartphone suddenly? Actually, there are several ways to lock the phone, but many times it happens that anyone else knows the password of our phone, but there are some messages that we do not want to share with anyone. In such a situation, our news may come to you.

We are going to tell you about some of the ways that you can keep notifications and messages secret from your phone’s messages to WhatsApp and Google Heng Out. In this way, you can give your phone to anyone and the front will not even know about your private message.

We are using the Message Lock (SMS Lock) app in our own way. There are many great apps available in the Google Play Store, in which you can use these methods. For example, AppLock, AppLock-Fingerprint, etc.

Know how the Message Lock (SMS Lock) app lets you hydrate the message in your phone.

Step 1

Open the app on your phone

Step 2

Here you will find all the messaging apps that you have downloaded and downloaded from the phone’s message app. Tap on Off Button here

Step 3

Here you have to make a pattern. Once the pattern is created, the app will ask you to make a pattern again.

Step 4

The app asks for your recovery mail id. If you forget your created pattern So on this mail you will be able to recover your account.

Step 5

After filling the mail id, the whole process is over. Now you can go to the app’s home screen and select the apps whose message you want to highlight.

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