Google had earlier this year announced the Interpret Mode for Google Assistant at the Consumer Electronic Show-2019. This feature was introduced with Google’s home speaker and smart display. Through this feature, users will be able to do the real-time translation, that is, they will be able to translate any language to another language within a second. Apart from this, Indian users will be able to translate their local language into any other language. This work can be done in just a second.
Google Assistant’s Interpret Mode has been released for all Android and iOS users. Now users from all over the world will be able to use this feature. Gradually this feature is being rolled out to all users. In such a situation, if this feature has not been available to you yet, then soon this feature can come to you.
Here’s how to use Google Assistant Interpret Mode:
- To use this feature, users must first unlock their phones. After this, they have to say OK Google.
- For example, you can give a command to Google to say Hey Google, be my French translator or Hey Google, help me speak German.
- Through this, you can translate from any language to any language. Let us know that after every translation, Google Assistant will provide you a smart reply. You will get this as a suggestion.